A Damage deposit is a security payment to cover any damage or extra cleaning needed when customers hire Langtons Hall for their functions within Langtons House.
What ceremonies or functions does the damage deposit apply to?
- Silver Friday Celebration
- Gold Sunday Celebration
- All evening & weekend functions including birthdays, receptions, anniversaries or parties of any description.
When is the damage deposit due?
Two weeks prior to booking.
Will the deposit of £500.00 be included in my final balance?
No, the damage deposit is held separately and providing there is no damage, additional cleaning or rules broken will be returned within two weeks of your function.
Can I pay by cash?
No, the deposit must be paid by card; if a refund is due it will be refunded on to this card, please provide email address at time of payment, confirmation will be sent to this email to confirm payment.
When will I receive my refund?
Up to two weeks after the event, if no damage or extra cleaning needed, payments will be automatically reversed.
How will I know if I have been charged for extra cleaning or damage?
You will be contacted after the event and informed of any issues or damage regarding your booking.
Who do I contact if I want to discuss further:
Email us direct at: ceremonies@havering.gov.uk